West Coast Swing Music Playlists

West Coast Swing has a large variety of music, so I’ve decided to share some playlists that I use to train and social dance to on a regular basis.

These include competition songs using around the world, blues music as well as some of my general favourites that I will listen to any chance I get.

If you click on any of the playlist titles it will open Spotify and you can see the full list. The embed function only shows the first 100 songs, but some of these lists have over 500 songs in them.

Rinse & Repeat Playlist

This is my playlist that I listen to daily. It’s what I drive to, it’s what I walk to, it’s what I listen to when I’m grocery shopping.

It’s a short list of songs that for whatever reason, make me want to dance and I can’t get enough of them right now.

This list churns a lot of songs, but the idea is once a song gets in my head, I play it over and over and it motivates me to keep grinding.

Competition Playlists

The first playlists I recommend are West Coast Swing Competition Playlists. These are songs I’ve added after watching competitions from around the world in 2022, 2023 and 2024.

If you’re training for an event, I highly recommend using these lists and dancing to the first 90 seconds (the average time for a Jack &Jill or Strictly Swing competition).

Blues Playlists

These blues songs are very popular in West Coast Swing, at Competitions as well as on the social scene.

Learning these will give you an advantage when it comes to musicality, plus practising swung rhythm is always a good thing.

Social Dancing Playlist

This is my own large playlist I call ‘Imaginarium’. It’s what I listen to when I want to drift off in my own imagination.

I also like to listen to this list before bed and visualise myself dancing. I find it helps me get a better night sleep, but also lets me imagine certain movements during songs that would be musical.